SLP575 Core Scientific Exits Bankruptcy with Adam Sullivan

Adam Sullivan, CEO of Core Scientific, joins me today as we chat about:

Going through bankruptcy as a Bitcoin miner
Debt financing
Role of capital structure in mining
What makes Core Scientific different?
Centralisation of mining pools
Fee dynamics going forward
2025 outlook on Mining

SLP574 Bitcoin Mining and Capital Structure with Rapha Zagury

Rapha Zagury, CIO of Swan and Head of Swan Mining rejoins me on the show to talk about a range of topics, from Brazil’s flooding, Bitcoin Mining, Capital Structure, as well as share some insights on speaking to TradFi professionals about Bitcoin.

SLP571 What’s happening with JPY? – Peruvian Bull

Peruvian Bull, a macro writer and commentator joins me to explain what’s happening with the Japanese economy and how it all ties in with the dollar end game.

SLP569 Why Bitcoin Should Not Ossify – Steve Lee

A lot of people talk about Bitcoin Ossification. Today Steve Lee, Lead @Spiral rejoins me to expand on why this is the wrong idea. We also talk about the recent situation with bitcoin mining  pool centralisation and what is driving it. 

SLP568 The System You Give Your Energy To – Jeff Booth

Jeff Booth, author, entrepreneur and founding partner of Ego Death Capital rejoins me on the show to talk about his bitcoin advocacy at various levels: 

SLP566 The cost to hack bitcoin hardware wallets with Dmitry Nedospasov

Dmitry Nedospasov is a PhD in Chip Security, also known for his hardware wallet exploits in 2018 with the talk. Dmitry joins me to talk about hardware security in the world of bitcoin and how it compares with hardware chip security in other domains.